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Tag Archives: Movie Reviews

Review: Iron Man

The Dude abides. – 237.63 arbitrary stars

Review: The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

This movie is as perfect a casting job as I have ever seen. Jesse James could have been played by no one but Brad Pitt. Jesse James was a legend. His name was plastered all across the west on everything from story books to wanted posters and the public ate up every last bit of […]

Review: Junebug

An art dealer marries a man from backwoods North Carolina. They make a trip there to buy some art and stay with his parents. Throw in some random shots of trees and an empty country home and that’s pretty much it. Nothing happens in this movie. It’s just a slice out of the life of […]

Review: Lars and the Real Girl

There comes a point in every man’s life when he realizes it’s finally time to grow up. There comes a time when he realizes it’s time to stop running, stop hiding, and stop avoiding careers, responsibilities, and commitments. There comes a time in every man’s life when he realizes it’s time to buy a life-size, […]

Review: Waitress

Waitress is a film attempting to convince the world that life is like a good pie. Kind of bitter and salty, but when you get through the crust, it can be warm, gooey, and delicious. The film is a lot like that. It’s extremely bitter toward marriage and the dialogue is full of salt and […]